Chapter 677: Evidence, show it if you have it!

The scandal of the immigrant nobility. This incident has surfaced not just on entertainment news, but has also made it to the headlines of societal news, flavoring countless discussions.

"How can one easily impersonate someone's identity? This unknown woman simply wants to catch the public eye, doesn't she?"

"In my opinion, she seems quite mysterious. I don't know if you all remember, but when Arianna Morrison said that Monica Baldwin scratched her, an old acquaintance of Arianna showed up and said, 'I'll reclaim what's mine.'"

"Actually, I feel that Arianna Morrison is the suspicious one. The typical reaction to such a claim would be laughter. No one would make such a fuss to clarify things. Is there anything to clarify? Isn't that practically admitting there's something to hide?"

"But, with today's technology, it's impossible for someone to impersonate another, right?"