Chapter 754: Monica Baldwin - Is Back!

Both had international exposure, but their specialisations were different.

As an actress, Monica Baldwin was still a newcomer who only received a Best Newcomer Award, but Kimberley Briar had already established herself in Hollywood.

Having compared the two for so long, Kimberley's fans simply labelled Monica as a freeloader!

Yet, the first person to see Monica as a rival and start the comparison was in fact Kimberley.

"Finally we learn what it means to play the victim. Monica stays at home and takes care of her child, wasn't a certain International Film Queen constantly posting flashy headlines about herself? 'Her emotional intelligence is high today', 'Her figure is great tomorrow', and now that Moinca is making a comeback, she's suddenly the bully?"

"Monica is still an unknown actress who knows she can't compete with a certain International Film Queen. Please give her a break."

"I'm stunned. What has Monica said so far? Kimberley's fans are really on the defensive!"