Chapter 802: Teach Her How to Behave!

The sister played by Amelia Bailey, after arriving on the island, is saved by the crazed woman, Monica Baldwin. However, she is still very wary of Monica, especially when they are camping in the bushes. The crazed woman falls asleep against a tree trunk, while the sister attempts to knock her out and run away.

This particular scene was rehearsed many times by Amelia, due to the sheer amount of emotion she had to display through facial expressions alone. The scene where she knocks Monica out was originally set for the next take, but Monica proposed to the director that they run the two scenes consecutively.

"Alright, let's try it Monica." The director agreed.

Upon hearing the director's words, Amelia's face drains of color.

She is unsure if Monica will take this opportunity for retribution.

So, she retorts to the director, "Director, Monica might hurt me!"