Chapter 903: Don't Blame Me for Forgetting Old Affection

Molly Landon entered the base with a rather pessimistic perspective. Ultimately, she felt she knows very little about Felix Davis - what kind of person he was in his daily life, or when he was on duty; who were his friends. She felt she didn't know anything about him at all.

She certainly couldn't be like Monica Baldwin, who dared to take a gamble, the hands-on type who had the audacity to face both good and bad consequences of her choices without fear.

But she was different, she was scared. If she didn't have a clear idea about something, or if it was too dangerous, she would back off directly.

It wasn't that she wasn't willing to fight for it, but rather her fear came instinctively.

Soon enough, they reached the training grounds. And to her surprise, it wasn't full of training air force soldiers. Instead, only Felix and a few of his comrades were present, including his so-called elder sister, Paula Rogers.