Chapter 957: Will the movie still be shot?

Bounded by friendship, Monica Baldwin and Director Jason Pearson shared a mutual understanding. The thought that she would never again meet another movie person who cherished sci-fi movies as much as she did brought her to tears.

Jason's daughter, too, was moved by Monica's emotions and began to cry. Monica cried all the way until Victor Chadwick came to the hospital.

Seeing his lady love in tears broke Victor's heart. He quickly lifted Monica from the ground and held her in his arms.

Director Jason Pearson's sudden departure left everyone off guard. They were nearing the end of shooting the most important parts of "Ant Queen," but he would never see it.

"Monica, you're still pregnant, don't grieve too much. I hope that in the near future, I can see 'Ant Queen' released as scheduled, which is the best consolation for my dad," Jason's daughter encouraged.

Monica didn't utter a word, instead replying with a deep and respectful bow towards Jason's daughter.