Chapter 1032: Could You Please Get Out of The Way?

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...Stop talking nonsense." The first thing he did after putting down his phone was to pull the person next to him, "This is the Father of Sci-Fi, Jones..."

"What?" Someone followed his gaze to the phone and, upon seeing Jones' profile, was stunned, "My God! What have we been doing?"

Just like that, a small group of reporters had already learned of Jones' identity, leaving only those standing in front of them still clamoring wildly.

At this time, Jones asked Monica to stand behind him. He stepped forward and said in English to the reporters, "Throughout the world, I have never been insulted like I was today. Your media in Silverton really opened my eyes!"

"Hey, foreigner, get back to your own country, this is Silverton! It's not your turf!"

"Exactly, who do you think you are!"

"Monica, you are such a coward, hiding behind a foreigner. Aren't you ashamed?"