Chapter 1041: It's for Slapping Faces!

"Give me a moment to catch my breath!" Meghan leaned back on the sofa. Her gaze fixed on the computer screen, she remained silent for a long time. "Monica, I've seen a lot of movies, I mean it, this is the most exciting and anticipated one I have seen so far! The scenes, special effects, Boss Chadwick's acting skills, and that little girl, is just phenomenal!"

"Don't exaggerate so much." Monica poured her a glass of water.

"I mean it!" Meghan took a sip of water, and thumped her chest for emphasis, "Really, it's great, I'm serious!"

"Really that good?"

"It's beyond good, okay? A little bit of post-production, and it should be even better." Meghan, taking on an excited tone akin to having adrenaline pumping acting skills, gave extremely high praises for "Ant Queen". "I really didn't expect that you and Jason could make it this good. It has exceeded my expectation."