Chapter 1159: When you get married, you will understand!

Cassidy Wright had rested at home for an entire day before returning to work at the hospital. Still, her legs felt limp.

However, she was relieved that both she and Ray Chadwick understood each other's feelings. There was no longer a Juliette Hudson between them.

Thinking back to the intimacy of the previous night, Cassidy's face turned red. She never thought that Ray would be relentless in his passions.

This man, who seemed so gentle and decent, was just an ordinary man when it came to women.

Subsequently, Cassidy received a phone call from Monica Baldwin. She was asked to bring Alex home for dinner. Thinking that she hadn't visited Royal View Residence since she moved, Cassidy happily agreed. After all, Terry Chadwick was looking forward to seeing Alex. Even a few days of absence made her anxious!

So after work, Cassidy took Alex to Royal View Residence.