Chapter 126: Saying One Thing but Meaning Another

When interacting with Chen Xiaoqian, it's easy to be carried along with her emotions, and she does it quietly.

"If you've been close and suddenly break contact, there are several possibilities, the most common being that he feels you have no depth and that he doesn't have to do anything for you. This is the beginning of weariness."

So, Xiaoqian dares to take whatever Yu Minglang gives her because the only way for a woman to accept a man is to take everything he gives her, no matter what, as long as it is accepted and taken, lest they become a two-faced bitch.

Shi Yu nodded in understanding, but she felt that her situation was different.

She looked at Xiao Qian expectantly, hoping she would continue.

"There's another situation where a man needs his own space. If you're close and he suddenly disappears, don't worry. He will come back after some distance, like 10 days or half a month. It's in men's nature to be like springs that need space."