Chapter 656: Boss Qian Tricked by Her Best Friend and Husband

Xiao Qian didn't have much to do today because she had to focus on treating Weiwei. The radio station temporarily replaced her with another teacher until Weiwei was stable enough for Xiao Qian to return. It was said that there was a lot of complaining at the radio station, and without Meiwei's program, the ratings plummeted.

Xiao Qian didn't care about that, as she never liked her job at the radio station in the first place. It was only because her teacher insisted that she reluctantly took the job. Now that her teacher asked her to focus on treating Weiwei, Xiao Qian could finally take some time to be with her best friend, Shuixian.

The two of them spent the afternoon shopping. Shuixian accompanied Xiao Qian as she bought many household items, preparing for her new home. Seeing this, Shuixian thought of the "broken up" Daodao and felt a little sad.