Chapter 903: Borrowing Money from Mrs. Kiara

No matter who hurts whom, Isaac can't stand it.

"Is there something you don't trust about me, don't you trust my work?"

"I want to stay."

"Go back, don't make Second Brother worry, if anything stirs here, I will tell you."


"Isaac, does the word of this dictator still carry weight?"

Hearing Kiara use the term 'dictator' in self-mockery made Isaac feel quite uncomfortable.

Even though Kiara wasn't the oldest, she had always been the one taking more care of everyone, to have all her efforts reduced to these three hurtful words, Mrs. Kiara must be very upset. Isaac was already upset on hearing them, but Kiara seemed rather calm.

"Your words always carry weight with me, but Mrs. Kiara, Tiara Stone isn't a bad person, she just acts a little childish. Can you indulge her a bit more?"