Chapter 1050 is actually closely linked.

Facing Mina Fernandez's accusations, Kiara said with contempt.

"Work is not equivalent to money. Housewives do not have a salary, yet they work diligently every day for their families. No matter what job you do, how much money you earn, even if it's the Auntie sweeping the streets, as long as you are willing to work hard to survive, you are worthy of respect. You, a woman who uses her body as a tool, clearly don't deserve respect. You demean yourself and then blame others for cleaning up your mess?"

Kiara's words were far from hypocritically virtuous; she was a high-earning elite standing at the top but had never looked down upon any laborers at the bottom, not even the restaurant waitstaff or the Aunties sweeping the streets. She treated everyone with equal respect, knowing that no profession is beneath another.