123 Rainy Night (First Watch)_2

Gutian's face turned red with anger, "I, Gutian, have been in the industry for more than thirty years and enjoy a good reputation. If I have ever done something against my conscience, let me die a terrible death. On the other hand, your Jiade Group has been experiencing management chaos, and this kind of thing has happened more than once. Just that in the past, you were able to cover it up with money. This time, it was not so easy to settle because it happened to involve Ms. Zhu and Madam Jiang. I request Madam Jiang to investigate thoroughly and not give any opportunities to those trying to take advantage."

Zou Dawei pointed at Gutian's nose, "Old man, shut up!"

"Enough." Jiang Chunlan coldly interrupted, with a glance at Zou Dawei, who subconsciously shrank his neck.

"Whether your Jiade Group is innocent or not, we will find out after the investigation. Go back and wait for the notice."