446 Silver Ring_2

Aubree Groove kicked off her right shoe with her left foot, and it fell. Moments later, a muted thud came.

Merely estimating the height, her toes led her to the edge of the cliff and with a supernatural burst of energy, she descended at a pace surpassing the average person. Right before landing, she did a swift roll and landed safely.

The moment her feet touched the ground, a candle ignited itself, shedding light to the entire area.

In front of her were three doors, from left to right, each with a large wooden box sitting in front of it.

She picked up her shoe, slipped it onto her foot and walked towards the first door.

Opening the wooden box revealed a collection of rare manuscripts – their combined worth high enough to write home about.

Inside the second box was a treasure sword. Its magnificent menace was not at all tarnished by the passage of time.

Upon opening the third box, a glaring glimmer of golden objects was the sight to behold.