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A beautiful little island lies one thousand five hundred miles south of South Beverley Island, against the backdrop of the mysterious land of Percival, situated at the furthest southern point on Earth, residing in an idyllic paradise untouched by the rest of the world.

The island is called Bidrnessworth Island and its inhabitants share a common faith. Every dawn, before the sun has risen, they rise from their beds to make their way to the Divine Temple at the heart of the island. Rain or shine, winter or summer, nothing can slow their devout pilgrimage to worship.

Legend has it that only truly devout believers can be chosen to visit Percival to pay homage to the Saintess.

Therefore, in the hearts of the residents of Bidrnessworth Island, Percival is the real holy land they long for.

Just after dawn, a drenched man crawled onto the shore, causing the guards stationed at the coastline to immediately raise their spears in caution.