Chapter 698: Listen clearly, that woman is not my girlfriend

Besides this sentence, Matilda Jenkins really couldn't think of anything else to say. She truly felt that there were not enough words in the world to describe how shameless Nathaniel York was!

"You really are... completely shameless, Moran York, I give in to you."

Nathaniel York raised an eyebrow with a wicked smile, "Sure thing... "

"The thing...sure sure thing... "

Matilda suddenly exerted her strength, lifting her foot and trying to kick him. She gave it her all, aiming directly at Nathaniel York's crotch. The force of the kick, if it had landed, would have undoubtedly left him unable to bear children.

Luckily, Nathaniel York was now very familiar with Matilda's every move, so he shifted his body to the side and evaded the kick.

However, his center of gravity was thrown off while dodging, causing him to lean to one side and lose balance.