Chapter 829: What to Do When You Encounter a Mistress with Overwhelming Combat Power?

Mrs. Zell's heart jumped at this scene, and she immediately knew that things were probably not good.

The next second, Homing Zell entered and saw Lydia Serene sitting on the floor in a battered state, her head hung in tears, her shoulders twitching, with her right hand covering her left arm.

And on her left arm, there was pronounced swelling, a clear indication of what had happened.

Then looking at Julia Stevens, Homing Zell was instantly reminded of the top of the head grassland and felt bathed in green light; the humiliations of yesterday played before his eyes.

Before Homing Zell had a chance to get angry, Julia Stevens shrieked, "Homing Zell, what's the meaning of this slut's actions? How dare you let her move into the Zell Family home, and that little bastard too, what are you thinking? Are you even human, doing something like this? Could that slut's bastard ever compare to Fang?"