Chapter 1238: Let go, roll over and sleep by yourself

Mrs. Herd's face turned red in a second, and at that moment she even heard the sizzling sound of hot air beside her ears.

The scene from last night flashed before her eyes, and it was simply... too embarrassing to recall.

Without thinking, Mrs. Herd knew that her face was so red that if you cracked an egg on it, you could fry a fried egg.

She didn't dare look Miles Martin in the eyes anymore, turning her head away from him.

Mrs. Herd said indignantly, "Last night... last night was an accident; you seduced me, and I carelessly fell for it. But it won't happen again, so tempt me less. With your limited skills, I won't be fooled." At least he would have to be naked, right?

Anthony Davis lay on his side, supporting his head with one hand, "Is that so?"

Mrs. Herd gritted her teeth. Old Fox, lying there without pajamas, thinking she would fall for it?

Please, she was underestimating her.

Now, she was someone with quite some resolve.