The police, after listening, were shocked into silence, not knowing what to say for a long time, as it was too... terrifying.
After a long pause, one of the police officers finally said, "You mean to say... this Fristy Davis, at ten years old... committed such an utterly heartless act, harming a 5-year-old daughter, and many years later, discovered that the little girl she had orchestrated the kidnapping of hadn't died, so she harmed her again?"
Dylan Young replied, "Yes."
"My God... Are these things you're saying true? They sound... like... a novel..."
"She confessed it herself."
After the initial shock, the police calmed down and asked, "Then, what does this have to do with you?"
Dylan Young lifted his head and looked at them, "The woman she killed was the woman I loved most. You tell me, does it matter?"
The two police officers were stunned again, "This... this... If it's true, then why didn't you report it to the police?"