Chapter 599: Plan for Greece_2

One cannot help but marvel at the complex web of blood relations that exist among European royal families. The Greek royal family shares ancestry with the British Royal Family, and George was also one of Queen Victoria's great-grandsons.

Moreover, after George married Charlotte and gained support from Australasia, the life of Constantine I and Crown Prince George in Switzerland was quite comfortable.

A turning point occurred in 1920 when King Alexander was bitten by a monkey in the Royal Palace and developed an infection a few days later, which worsened and became life-threatening.

As exaggerated as it might seem, this is a true event in Greek history.

Penicillin from Australasia was not yet public knowledge, and the world's only way to combat infection at the time was to endure it.

Clearly, King Alexander was not favored by Lady Luck, and he soon ended his brief reign.