The losses at the various branches of the Benz Car Factory were certainly bad news, but at the moment, Arthur was not the most troubled.
After all, Arthur only had half of the dividends and earnings of each branch, while the majority of the shares were in the hands of the local nobility and capitalists.
The car factories in Britain and Germany didn't concern Arthur entirely, as the British and German nobility were more worried than Arthur, and they would never allow the car factories to go bankrupt.
As for the Benz Car Factories in Australasia and the United States, Arthur could accept such losses.
After all, the cars were just piling up in storage, and they could still be sold at the original price to the Americans after a few years.
At worst, he could follow other American enterprises and lay off a large number of employees; after all, most of the workers were Americans, and it would be the American Government that would have to deal with the aftermath of the layoffs.