Chapter 57: Catching Loach 2 (Third Update) (Happy New Year's Eve!)

In the pond, children catch loaches and soft-shelled turtles, while adults catch fish directly.

A child caught a soft-shelled turtle, instantly igniting the excitement of the other children.

They excitedly dug in the pond and scraped for catches, prompting adults to shout, "Children, watch out for the fish in the pond; don't tread them into the mud!"

Xiao Siqian, who had never played in the mud, quickly joined in and enjoyed the fun.

He couldn't catch loaches, but he helped the adults catch fish.

He watched as the adults caught fish as big as three jins and put them into a bucket. He also grabbed a similarly sized fish and put it in the bucket.

Many times, the fish were slippery, and after he caught them, they escaped from his hand. The muddy water splashed on Xiao Siqian, covering his entire body, even his face, with mud.


This laughter from some of the children ensued.