Chapter 55: Digging a Pond in the Countryside (First Update) (Happy New Year's Eve!)

On Saturday and Sunday, Xiao Jinli doesn't need to go to school.

Many times, Xiao Jinli would go to the fields with her family.

Xiao Wanshan and his son don't need to go to work on Saturdays and Sundays, so they are idle, and there are two acres of land at home that need to be taken care of.

In the paddy field, one acre and five of rice is grown, along with six parts of peanuts, all of which are grown for their own consumption. Therefore, they usually don't use pesticides whenever possible, and plant according to the green management methods.

On dry land, they grow some vegetables, sweet potatoes, taro, and other common crops in the countryside.

In May and June, many crops begin to be harvested.


"Jinli, Uncle Da Chun's pond will be opened tomorrow morning for fishing. Do you want to go and have a look?" Xiao Wanshan asked Xiao Jinli during dinner.

Xiao Siqian asked, "What is opening the pond?"