Chapter 61: Sun-drying the Grains (Second update)

Due to the slightly elevated location of the drying yard, rice was brought over by a tricycle driven by Xiao Wanshan.

Well, in this era, only two or three families in the village own a tricycle. There are not many people in the village who can ride a tricycle, so Xiao Wanshan brought it over personally.

The villagers don't know how much money the Xiao Wanshan family has, but they have all the convenient transportation tools.

Cars, motorcycles, tricycles; other families, having a motorcycle alone means their living conditions are considered good.

After the tricycle was parked, the three of them took down the bags of rice one by one.

When Xiao Siqian offered to help, Xiao Wanshan asked, "Xiao Quan, can you handle it? Each bag of rice weighs at least seventy to eighty jin."

The main reason was that Xiao Wanshan thought Xiao Siqian was too thin, not like a strong child.

Xiao Siqian nodded, "Uncle, don't worry, I can handle it!"