Chapter 98: Becoming Brothers with Cow King (Second Update)

At noon, everyone had a bit of alcohol and, with the stuffy weather, they were all feeling sleepy. So, after Xiao Junxuan and Gao Yanxin finished clearing up the bowls and chopsticks, everyone cooled off under the trees and then went back to rest.

There were plenty of rooms available in the Xiao Family house, even though Xiao Siqian occupied one of them, there were still three or four rooms left.

When Ji Yuzhu called earlier, saying she would stay at the Xiao Family home for a while, Xiao Mother had already prepared the rooms.

At around 3-4 o'clock in the afternoon, Gao Yanxin came knocking on Xiao Jinli's door.

Xiao Jinli opened the door and asked, "Cousin Xin, what's up? Are you going to pick vegetables?"

Gao Yanxin said, "No, little sister, I just remembered I haven't done something."

"What is it?" Xiao Jinli asked.

"I haven't seen Cow King for half a year. I don't know if it forgot about me!" Gao Yanxin said.

Xiao Jinli, "..." Same story every year.