Chapter 102: Villagers Selling Vegetables (Second Update)

Chen Qiulan woke up before dawn, took her flashlight, and picked two large baskets of vegetables from the field. She then washed them in the water channel and carried them straight to town to sell.

Quite a few other villagers were also picking vegetables in the fields just like her.

"Ha, Qiulan, are you selling vegetables in town today as well?" Li Qiuxiang asked with a smile, "How much did you pick today?"

"I picked two baskets." Chen Qiulan said with a smile, "Now that everyone has vegetables to sell, there are more sellers than buyers at the market."

Li Qiuxiang sighed lightly, "With so many vegetables, we have to sell them even if they don't sell well. Otherwise, they would rot in the ground."

At this point, she spoke excitedly, "Qiulan, haven't you noticed that the vegetables grown from the soil turned by earthworms taste so good? My grandson used to hate eating green vegetables; it was like he was eating poison.