Chapter 116: Fail to Steal the Dog and Get Bitten by the Dog (Second Update)

"Is our place here so good for a stroll? Every night, you have to come, and have our village dogs chase you?" Xiao Chunfu said coldly while looking at them.

Li San Gou had already been holding in his anger as these dogs had been chasing and biting him.

He shouted loudly, "What, which law says we can't stroll here?"

He even said it with such righteousness.

"The dogs here are all mad dogs, biting everyone they see. You injured us, so you should pay us. Otherwise, I'll sue you for intentionally harming us with your animals."

"Haha, it seems you have some knowledge of basic legal principles," said the Village Head. "Since you know the law, why did you come to steal dogs?"

"Steal dogs?" Li San Gou pretended to repeat his old tricks, "Which eye of yours saw us stealing dogs? Do you have any evidence? Don't talk nonsense without evidence!"