Chapter 148: Xia Family (Second Update)

Upon Su Yichen's return to the Xia family home, Xia Weiguo was already waiting at the door, assisted by an old housekeeper.

His three uncles, their wives, and his cousins had also come out to greet him.

In fact, it seemed as if they were welcoming an important person.

"Really, he is just a cousin we haven't been in touch with for more than 10 years. Why did grandfather insist we all come out to welcome him? It made me turn down a date with a pretty girl," Xia Xinbei, a man decked out in gold jewellery, grumbled.

"Yes, he's nothing special, why do we all have to come and greet him?" A trendy woman, Xia Danni, expressed her displeasure.

"We haven't heard anything about him for more than 10 years, so why the sudden fuss?" Xia Xinnan raised doubts. "Does this mean the cousin will live with us in the Xia Family from now on?"