Chapter 183: Continuously Adding Condiments to the Pie (First Update)

It can be said that Xiao Yucheng is truly a cultured person, and moreover, he has worked as an executive in a big company outside.

Each progress report on company projects and every company and village meeting always managed to rouse high emotions in people.

It's like there was a pie in front of everyone, which everyone could already see, yet he continued to add seasoning to it, making the pie look even more tempting and appetizing.

The emotions of the whole village were driven by Xiao Yucheng as if they had already seen the vegetables and fruits of their village being sold all over the country, and then becoming famous.

But while the whole village of Xiao Family Village was positive and looking forward to it, people from other villages were constantly pouring cold water on them, mocking the Xiao Family Village villagers for their wild imaginations.

"Haha, just growing vegetables and they can sell them all over the country? That's just wishful thinking."