Chapter 203: (First Update)

After everyone had lunch, they waited for the scheduled flight.

As the general manager, Yang Fei had many things to deal with due to this incident. So, he asked Bi Shengyu and Tian Xinyi to accompany Xiao Wanshan's family of three until they were respectfully sent onto the plane.

Seeing the plane safely flying in the sky, Tian Xinyi patted her chest with lingering fear, saying, "I'm still scared to death today, my mood hasn't calmed down yet."

Bi Shengyu said, "With this state of mind, it seems you won't be able to catch up with work for a while."

Tian Xinyi said, "I will adjust as soon as possible. I've been working for over a decade and encountered various emergencies, such as turbulence in mid-air and changes in wind direction, which were thrilling experiences. But this time, the bomb incident was caused by someone we knew well, and the impact was too great."