Chapter 212: Xiao Zhi, Working (Second Update)

Licheng overnight, the weather had changed!

Just a moment ago, the sky was filled with twinkling stars, and the moonlight was serene like a painting. But in the next moment, thunder rumbled, and heavy rain seemed about to arrive instantly!

"Trash, trash! You're all a bunch of trash!"

Inside the Zhu family's villa, a group of people knelt in the living room. Zhu Lao Liu held a silver whip in his hand and paced back and forth in front of them, with a fierce and gloomy expression on his face.

Then, the whip was lashed on one of the men, and blood instantly seeped from his body. Still, he didn't dare to make a sound.

"Trash! You can't even beat a child, and you have the nerve to tell me they got away!" Zhu Lao Liu shouted angrily.

Zhu Lao Liu was furious. With his current status, no one in Licheng would dare disrespect him.

But this Gao Jianjun was not only ungrateful, he went head-to-head against him.