Chapter 227: Xiao Family Village Needs Protection (First Update)

Upon returning home, Gao Jianjun called Xiao Jinli into the study.

He went straight to the point and asked, "Jinli, why did you suddenly reveal that you have medical skills? And even daringly diagnosing several big shots?"

Xiao Jinli said solemnly, "Uncle, Xiao Family Village needs protection."

Hearing this, Gao Jianjun frowned and asked with some confusion, "What do you mean?"

Xiao Jinli said, "Uncle, when you eat the vegetables from our family, don't you find anything special about them?"

"Special?" Gao Jianjun said, "Aren't they just delicious?"

"No, in addition to being delicious, there is another special effect," Xiao Jinli said, "that is, it can make people's bodies healthier and healthier. Relying solely on this effect, once our Xiao Family Village's crops are sold, it will definitely attract the attention of some big capitalists. If we don't have absolute protection, Xiao Family Village will be like an ant, easily crushed by others."