Chapter 231: (First Update)

Xiao Jinli and Doctor Jin communicated effortlessly with each other, young and old, while the others looked at them with puzzled expressions.

Unconsciously, an hour had passed.

Little Zhang came over and said, "Doctor Xiao, an hour has passed!"

Now, Little Zhang admires Xiao Jinli very much.

He used to judge her by her age and thought she was just lucky, but now it's different.

Didn't you see Doctor Jin, who is praised as a "Divine Doctor," humbly asking her for advice?

Therefore, he firmly believes that Xiao Jinli can cure the Old Master's illness.

Xiao Jinli and her party entered the room, and Old Master Yuan was sound asleep, "huhu." He didn't even notice their arrival.

Old Chen said, "Old Yuan hasn't slept well since he found out he had a brain disease."

"Yes, he couldn't sleep well before because of his old injuries. Now he can't sleep well simply because he's uneasy," sighed Old Li. "No matter how much we try to comfort him, it's useless!"