Chapter 250: (Second Update)

"This Lan Mingyue," Jiang Xile said angrily after hearing what his older brothers had told him, "What did our sister do to offend her that she would come to our door and slander her, even adding fuel to the fire?"

Just a moment ago, the Jiang family members had informed him.

"Today, Lan Mingyue came over and said she saw you with a girl. That girl is very indecent and hooked up with three men at the same time, besides you, there were two other men. She even saw them hugging and embracing each other."

"Bullshit!" Jiang Xile was furious, "One is Gao Yanxin, our sister's own cousin, and another is Su Yichen, who is also like a sibling to Xiao Jinli and has a good relationship with the Xiao family. How dare she have the guts to slander an innocent girl like this?"

Jiang Xiwen and the others listened with a dark expression on their faces.

They never expected Lan Mingyue to deceive them in such a way. Where did she get the courage?