Chapter 274:

"Wow, what is this? Mommy, is this a snake?"

As Jiang Yifan entered the greenhouse, she saw earthworms tumbling everywhere on the ground, and she couldn't help exclaiming.

"But if it's a snake, it's a bit small!" Jiang Yifan asked doubtfully, "Mommy, what are these things?"

"They are earthworms!" Xiao Jinli said.

Jiang Yifan, still puzzled, asked, "Earthworms? What are earthworms?"

"..." Xiao Jinli thought for a moment before explaining, "Earthworms, also known as earth dragons, are terrestrial invertebrates belonging to the phylum Annelida and class Oligochaeta."

Jiang Yifan nodded, pretending to understand.

Jiang Yifan looked at the earthworms wiggling all over the ground and felt a bit creeped out. There were so many of them.

"So Mommy, why are you raising so many earthworms?"

Xiao Jinli said, "To sell them, of course!"

Xiao Jinli's earthworm farm had expanded from thirty mu at first to over three hundred mu now.