Chapter 297:

Though the headquarters of Lu Xian Group is located in Xiao Family Village,...

tourists are not allowed inside the company.

But when Lan Qingqing was escorted out of the village entrance by the security guard, numerous tourists gawked at her.

"What's going on? How can they just throw a tourist out like that? So rude!" A tourist, unaware of Lan Qingqing's identity, naturally assumed she was a fellow tourist.

"This woman seems to have been thrown out from the company's headquarters. Is it because a tourist sneaked in, and they found her?"

"No, even if a tourist had sneaked in, they would just ask them not to come in anymore, not throw them out of the village in such an impolite manner."

At this moment, someone from Xiao Family Village spoke up.

"Lan Qingqing is back, it seems like Xiao Mingchen must be really angry this time."

"It probably wasn't Xiao Mingchen who told the security guard to throw her out, right? I saw Jinli go in, so it must've been Jinli who did it."