Chapter 322:

Upon getting off the airplane, Su Yichen let his subordinates go and decided to handle some matters by himself.

The bodyguard captain frowned and said, "Boss, is it okay for you to go alone? Your identity is too conspicuous. It would be dangerous if someone finds out!"

Su Yichen nodded and calmly replied, "Don't worry, I won't run into any trouble that easily."

Over the years, although he had not returned to Xiao Family Village or been in touch with Father Xiao and Mother Xiao, he had been keeping contact with Xiao Jinli.

Throughout these years, he had witnessed Xiao Jinli's incredible skills, such as hacking, divine medicine, and makeup.

Xiao Jinli had personally taught him makeup for his safety.

Calling it makeup, in his case, was actually more like disguise.

He could turn from a man into a woman, or from a young person into an old one. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, even he wouldn't believe that they were the same person and no traces of makeup could be found.