Chapter 329:

As the National Richest Person, even if Su Yichen tried to be low-key, he was still a figure of attention nationwide and even worldwide. It was natural for his photos and videos to appear in news reports.

Wherever he went, he was surrounded by a group of bodyguards for protection. It was the ultimate honor for any businessman to have a photo taken with Su Yichen.

One could say that Su Yichen, the twenty-something richest person, was the most envied man in the world.

Many men, even if they were successful in their careers, could hardly boast about their age. The young ones might be in their thirties or forties, while the older ones were in their eighties, nineties, or even over a hundred years old.

Su Yichen was unprecedented and unparalleled. At the age of twenty-two, he became the world's youngest richest person through his own abilities.

After catching up with the Xiao Family, Su Yichen nervously and apprehensively greeted the four elderly gentlemen.