Chapter 337:

Capital City

Lin Chengdong glanced at the calendar and realized that it had already been more than ten days since his younger daughter contacted him. His eyebrows immediately furrowed, and his heart became somewhat worried.

He took out his cellphone, flipped through it several times, and found no call records from his younger daughter. A worried expression appeared on his face.

He muttered to himself, "This child, she wouldn't really want to sever ties with me, would she?"

At this moment, he saw Lin Wanqing coming down the stairs, a clear expression of joy on her face.

He stopped Lin Wanqing, "Qingqing, has Xiaoxiao contacted you recently?"

Lin Wanqing's joyful expression froze, then she shook her head, "No."

"No?" said Lin Chengdong, very worried, "This child hasn't contacted me in more than ten days. Could something have happened? Qingqing, do you know where Xiaoxiao is?"