Chapter 351:

As Xiao Junxuan had said, Lin Chengdong quickly came to the Xiao Family Village Hospital to find someone.

At the hospital reception, Lin Chengdong asked the nurse, "Excuse me, is there a patient here named Lin Xiaoxiao?"

The nurse at the reception looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Who are you?"

Lin Chengdong introduced himself, "My name is Lin Chengdong, I'm looking for a patient named Lin Xiaoxiao, I'm her dad!"

The nurse thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Lin, please wait a moment, let me make a phone call to confirm."

Many patients at the Xiao Family Village Hospital have special identities, so they must be careful.

After making a phone call, the nurse said, "Alright."

After hanging up the phone, she said, "Mr. Lin, Miss Lin Xiaoxiao is located in Room 901 on the ninth floor of the Surgical Department."

Lin Chengdong was very happy when he heard this news. "Thank you!" he said.