Chapter 401:

Xiao Jinli led Jiang Yifan, whose small eyes were slightly entangled and his expression seemed hesitant.

Xiao Jinli rolled her eyes at him and said, "Alright, just say what you want to say. Look at your little face, all wrinkled like an old man's. Be careful, or you'll really turn into one."

After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Yifan whispered, "Mom, you might have a love rival!"

Xiao Jinli, "..."

She tapped his little head, "Why are you worrying so much at such a young age?"

Jiang Yifan touched the spot where he had been hit and said with an air of superiority, "How could I not understand? I'm smart. It's you adults who think I don't understand. Let me tell you, I like Uncle Su, and I want him to become my dad."

Xiao Jinli, speechless, said, "Alright, find your biological mom, and maybe you can have Uncle Su become your dad."

Now it was Jiang Yifan's turn to be speechless.