Chapter 407:

Li Jiatong took the necklace and looked at it curiously, then asked doubtfully, "Could this necklace be the 'Water Heart' diamond necklace from the Youth Charity Auction last time?"

Upon hearing this, Liang Shanshan immediately said proudly, "You have a good eye! This was the focus of the auction last time, designed by Linda."

She looked at Li Jiatong and asked with a smile, "Miss Li, do you like this necklace?"

If it wasn't for politeness, Li Jiatong would have rolled her eyes, but her upbringing didn't allow her to do so.

She's being treated like a three-year-old.

A person who clearly disliked her a moment ago is now giving her such a precious necklace.

There's a saying, "Unsolicited favors."

Li Jiatong hesitated for a moment and nodded, "Yes, I do like this necklace."

Although this necklace is slightly cheaper than the ones in her drawer, it is somewhat more attractive.