Chapter 426:

In Capital City, Liang Haohan was taking his afternoon nap in the CEO's office lounge.

His cellphone was beeping persistently.

It was receiving messages.

Messages from his Friends Circle.

Anyone of some importance always had at least two cellphones.

One for public office calls.

And another for personal calls.

The personal one typically stored contact information of family, friends, and crucial business partners.

Given their familiarity, people rarely messaged during rest hours, unless there was something terribly important.

Hearing the succession of beeps, Liang Haohan opened his eyes, picked up the cellphone from the bedside table, looking a bit puzzled.

Seeing the message was from an unknown account, he quickly lost interest, thinking it was just spam.

He was about to put his phone back on the bedside table.

Wait, this wasn't a message to his phone number. It was a Friends Circle message.