03. Love is a mistaken first sight

"Don't worry, this time it's a match introduced by Aunt Harrison, definitely reliable, so my baby won't be playing third wheel!"

Bianca Aretha blinked her bright black eyes like obsidian, playfully saying, "Today's blind date only has success, no failure allowed!"

"Understood, my baby!"

When it came to her daughter, Ivy Aretha was almost always accommodating, even indulging her whims.

Ivy hailed a taxi and pulled a black shawl out of her bag as soon as she got in, wrapping her exposed shoulders tightly.

She then took a deep breath, relieved not to be showing so much skin for once. She snuck the shawl into her bag when Bianca was in the bathroom.

Ivy arrived punctually at the appointed Eco Cafe private room, and the other person hadn't arrived yet.

As for the other person, Ivy only knew his name was Michael Gordon, the arranged business marriage partner for her close friend, Sienna Harrison.

Because Sienna had someone she liked, she pulled this trick and asked Ivy to attend in her place.

The goal was simple: to mess up the blind date.

Who would have thought that her daughter would misunderstand and force her to dress up like this? Thankfully, she had hidden a shawl, or else her great figure would have been wasted on a free show.

As soon as Michael Gordon entered, he saw a woman sitting in the booth, dressed in a black off-the-shoulder dress, with natural, long black shoulder-length hair, her head down as she fiddled with the black shawl that suddenly appeared on her shoulder.

Why did this scene look so displeasing to the eye?

After a while, Michael finally realized that the woman was dressed in all black, and her perfectly good dress was wrapped in a black shawl. Was she here for a blind date, or a funeral?

But it didn't matter; he wasn't there for a blind date either!

"Excuse me, is this Miss Sienna Harrison?"

A deep, soothing voice like a cello reached Ivy's ear. She looked up while fixing her shawl, and her face instantly froze.

In front of her was a man in a black suit, excellently tailored to accentuate his slender, tall figure. His fine features were like carefully sculpted works of art, especially those deep, peach-blossom eyes that seemed to draw you in at first glance.

Wait a minute, this person seems...familiar?

Suddenly, Ivy vividly remembered, they had not only met, but they also had a child together.

The blind date partner for Sienna, the rumored high-quality golden man, turned out to be the father of her child?

Ivy was stunned by this news and couldn't say a word...

But the fact that he was still alive did make Ivy feel relieved deep down.

"Is it you?"

Ivy bluntly asked after recognizing him, but she was somewhat apprehensive. After all, she had almost killed him years ago. She didn't know if he would come for payback today.

"Miss Harrison, have we met before?"

Michael Gordon scrutinized the woman in front of him. Besides her inappropriate attire, she hadn't disappointed him.

He couldn't deny that he was amazed at her fair skin, perfect features, and a pair of innocent eyes that resembled the eyes he had longed for in the depths of his memory.

A girl like her, even if dressed resembling a funeral, still garnered attention just by sitting there.

Hearing his words, Ivy squinted her eyes. Could he have forgotten her?

It made sense. Men often play with multiple women, especially scumbags like him. She was just one of the many women used and discarded. It would be a normal occurrence to not remember her.

Not remembering her was best; no need to worry about him showing up later to take her daughter away.

But wait, where was her mind going? This type of man seemed more likely to have a daughter but not acknowledge her, let alone show interest in her daughter.

Realizing this, Ivy stared at him coldly and said only three words, "Never met you!"

Actually, what she wanted to say was that she wished she had never met this scoundrel whose ruined her innocence, almost turning her into a murderer.

Never met me?

Listening to the cold three words, Michael felt inexplicably annoyed.

He, Michael Gordon, had the looks, wealth, and ability. The name Michael Gordon alone could make women chase him around Andras City.

He shouldn't be given any scowls from a woman.

"How come CEO Harrison and Mrs. Harrison never taught Miss Harrison how to maintain a perfect image before going out?"

Michael's gaze fixated on Ivy's chest, his tone lazy. Clearly, a sexy dress, but she decided to wrap up the best part of it. It just shows the taste of the young lady of the Harrison family.

Michael Gordon cast a disdainful glance at Ivy, his sarcastic tone even thicker than before.

"But image is secondary, after all. For a woman, the key is being able to produce offspring. You just won't do with such a thin waist and small hips. You don't look like a woman who can have sons. So, the position of Mrs. Gordon...don't even think about it!"

Michael's words were blunt and explicit, not only throwing her straight to hell but completely blocking off any way out. However, he had no interest in playing with women with such ulterior motives.

So it had to end quickly.

Ivy, who had come to ruin the blind date, was instantly infuriated upon hearing his words. The simmering resentment boiled over and combined with her old hatred against him, she looked for something at hand to use against him.

Ivy glanced around and realized the only thing available was the half-finished coffee in front of her.

She stared at the man in front of her, and with an elegant smile, she reached out and picked up the half-finished cup of coffee.

Just as Michael thought she would gracefully sip her coffee and discuss their marriage, the accident happened.

Ivy flicked her wrist, and the coffee spilled directly onto his trousers, instantly spreading across the fabric...

The wet heat penetrated through, reaching a crucial area.

This woman was ruthless, not only bold enough to attack him but brave enough to strike at such a spot!

Just as he was about to speak, his voice was abruptly interrupted by Ivy's teasing laughter.

"Michael Gordon, right? Looking for someone capable of bearing children? Here's some advice: buy a sow. It's so fertile - want how many, have how many. But, oh, that's wrong, that still won't produce sons, only piglets!"

Grinding her teeth, Ivy looked at his relaxed smile, her heart cursing him and his eighteen generations of ancestors.

Damn this scoundrel! All he ever talks about is having sons. As if the damn high-class business wasn't enough for everyone to know! Sons, what's so great about them? They're nothing compared to daughters.

"Fine, Fine, you're really something!"

Michael was so furious his teeth chattered. If it weren't for his self-restraint, he would have rushed over to strangle her. How dare that damned woman call him a pig!