25. The story of an extra person

"Mr. Gordon, you... you misunderstood. How could I harm a pure young lady like that? As you know, newcomers these days will do anything to quickly climb to the top. Look..."

Andrew Larson's explanation was cut off as more and more people crowded at the bathroom entrance, his words stuck in his throat.

For a moment, all that could be heard was the click of camera shutters...

There was a rumor in Andras City: wherever Michael Gordon appears, that's where the spotlight is. Especially at events like today's, he naturally attracts a horde of media attention.

Reporters who had been fixated on Michael Gordon throughout the event had followed him here. They had expected him to throw them out, considering it's the bathroom, a place of personal privacy.

However, to their surprise, after kicking the door open, Michael Gordon left it ajar as if inviting them in.