148. Bridal Chamber Candlelit Night

Miss Harrison seems very interested in this!

"What bridal chamber? Our child is already grown, and it's not like we haven't been intimate before, so why the rush!"

Given her health, this was a question only Miss Harrison would dare to ask, right?


While speaking, Lucas Sandy entered the room, his doctor's white coat replaced by a red one. Jaysen's handsome face showed hints of surprise. The muscles at the corner of his eyes twitched beneath his thin glasses.

The nurses wearing red made sense, and it was understandable that even doctors at the hospital would wear red coats, but what about Lucas Sandy? Jaysen knew that sometimes even Oliver Thompson couldn't control him. Surprisingly, he listened to Michael Gordon and wore the red coat!

This was truly a sight to behold: "Michael, what exactly did you do to make him obey so easily? It's surprising to see Lucas Sandy, a grown man, wear a coat no different than something a woman would wear!"