Chapter 923: The Spicy Mia Rowen!

"You go on home, and I'll take Bianca and the others for some late-night snacks!"

It's been a long while since she last visited the food stalls outside the school, and the truth is, she rarely had the chance to enjoy such delights, as her family was strict, making places like these, bustling at night, not quite suitable for a lady of her status.

Back then, she and Bella Gordon had snuck out to visit once or twice, but after that, all she could do was watch others with envy!

So naturally, when such an opportunity presented itself, she wanted to go.

"Pushing me to go home while you lovebirds enjoy your moment, are you looking to be a third wheel?" Morgan Sanders obviously wasn't keen on being sent home first.

"If I don't send you home, do you still want to tag along and be the third wheel?"