Chapter 576: Giving Birth to a Boy or a Girl

By the time Chu Molin woke up, he saw his wife leaning against the head of the bed, engrossed in her book. Their two sons were asleep in the crib, and everything outside was silent. It seemed all the visitors had left. He must have had too much to drink this time.

"Xue'er, what time is it?" Chu Molin rolled over and asked his wife.

"You're awake. Why did you drink so much? Does your head hurt?" Qin Xue looked down at him, reaching out to touch his forehead.

"I'm fine — I unintentionally drank too much in my joy." Chu Molin took her hand from his forehead, brought it to his lips, and kissed it.

"Wasn't it you who was adamantly wanting a daughter? Now, you're getting drunk in celebration. Chu Molin, which of your words should I believe?" Qin Xue looked at him, her expression a mix of amusement and annoyance.