Chapter 769: Discussing to Invite Rascals for Help

After hearing this, Nangong Shulan could only tell them that her home was too far from here, and it wouldn't be good for the elderly in her family if she returned too late. Fortunately, after so many days of advertising, the customers knew what time they closed, so there was no interference with their closing time.

While the customers' understanding warmed Nangong Shulan's heart, there wasn't much she could do. There were only two of them, and they couldn't run the business for such long hours. Knowing that they were missing out on making money, both Nangong Shulan and Qin Lei felt regretful. Still, for the sake of their health, Qin Lei insisted that Nangong Shulan not overwork herself, which led them to consider hiring the ruffians for help.

As ruffians of their kind were usually loyal when treated with fairness, Qin Lei wasn't worried about them causing trouble.

"Shulan, here." Qin Lei brought a bowl of water and placed it in front of Nangong Shulan.