Chapter 831: Sleeping in Space_1

When Jing Yuan arrived home and saw Jing Peng waiting at her door, her heart skipped a beat. She wondered if her second brother had learned of her visit to their eldest brother again.

"Second Brother, what brings you here? Is something the matter?" Jing Yuan carefully asked.

"Follow me," Jing Peng said, his gloomy face showed no signs of easing but increasingly clouded over. It seemed to him that she was very happy this time. The thought of her cheerful demeanor made his heart sink even further.

"Second Brother, where are we going?" Jing Yuan was pulled along. She couldn't refuse. She had no choice but to follow Jing Peng's lead closely.

Jing Peng glanced back at Jing Yuan. He didn't speak, but led her silently, stopping only in front of a courtyard-style house.

"Go inside." Jing Peng opened the door and gestured for Jing Yuan to enter.